Whether it's expediting SCDHEC's review process, obtaining an engineered septic permit, or providing preliminary site assessments, we are experts at guiding clients through a range of projects and needs. Obtaining a septic permit has never been easier or quicker once we are involved, as we usually are able to conduct site visits within a few weeks of contract approval.
Navigating State and Federal rules for wetlands and other regulated waters can be time consuming and confusing. With years of experience in the industry, we can tailor a unique approach resulting in successes for the smallest project to large, complex developments.
Looking to overhaul your mapping services? Do you need fresh, creative maps to tell a story? Our GIS and mapping services can help paint a more clear picture of your projects and business. Let us know if we can help take your mapping to the next level.
At Davis Horizons, we understand that time is money. That's why our primary focus is to complete your project as efficiently as possible. Working through the regulatory processes can be difficult and time-consuming enough, and with the wrong advice, can further delay your project.
Our history and leadership in the industries we serve demonstrates our position as the premier soil and environmental consulting company in the Carolinas, especially when it comes to septic permitting. With a focus here in our home State of South Carolina, we bring a wealth of knowledge to any project in any area. In addition, our staff even has years of experience working as State and Federal regulators in these fields.
While every project is different and has its own challenges, we are confident that our unique approach ensures a coherent, stream-lined path towards obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals.

Year Established
Projects Completed
Feet of Soil Excavated
Years of Combined Experience

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